Rand's Blog

Thursday, February 08, 2024 Rand No comments

This portrait of my sweet canine companion happened just after I returned from Europe last summer and took her up to the forest for a romp. Her happiness is evident. An easy portrait.

August of 2023.Mt.Lemmon,AZ.

5″X7″Acrylic on canvas panel.

Monday, December 25, 2023 Rand No comments

Here is a new SP. One of about 40 so far. Let’s hope we can add a few dozen more. I’m looking forward to an amazing 2024! Blessings.

Sunday, November 05, 2023 Rand No comments

It was a chilly windy day, but the New Mexico vista was filled up with infinity and wanting to spill out, and so it did.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 Rand No comments

Hello all. A recent effort of a tower on a recently renovated 1923 resort hotel in 9000 foot high Cloudcroft, New Mexico. The beautiful copper clad roof was catching the morning light in a kind of surreal way. Acrylic on canvas panel. 8″X10″ More to come as I make my way back here.

Saturday, July 29, 2023 Rand No comments

Saturday, July 15, 2023 Rand 1 Comment

After Paris, I came down to Avignon in Provence, to see a college buddy’s presentation at the huge theatre arts festival. The town is crawling with arts types and all the hype that goes with it. A bit of a sensory overload. The city is ancient and magical. My morning walk through a quiet series of narrow streets was unforgettable. Just me and the 14th century gargoyles and saints. More to come!