Chiricahua cheers

Hello again from a little place called Cochise, AZ. I am close to the Chiricahua N.M. and so here is a iPad sketch from a cold day yesterday. Apache Pass today!

Mid March Update

Time marches on, and so do I. The Tucson Weekly era is over, as might some other things we need to move on from.

I am now up on the Colorado Plateau visiting Petrified Forest National Park. It’s like a box of chocolates. Here are 3 little watercolors inserted into an old cartoon armature. Drawn partially on the iPad. A true mixed media.

Repressive Repulsives


Our state legislature is an embarassment.


Roadkill Calendar

2 cougars in California and a favored Tucson bobcat were killed recently by vehicular manslaughter. Man’s presence in the natural world can be lethal. Please be aware out there.

Do Tell

Anything after 15 tries that doesn’t kill you–will make you Speaker.

Wet Dreams

I just heard homebuiding is on the rise again! Thank the Lard above that we got a pipe of Cortez seawater comin’ up here from Baja!

Random Shot January 19 ’23

With all this COVID money that is stuck in the system, can’t we do better Arizona?

Cave Creek view

This painting was done yesterday of the view out my cabin window. The Chiricahuas are a magical place.

8″X8″ Acrylic on canvas panel. NFS  More to come shortly!!